Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Turkey, 12 Conversations, and John Wayne...

We had a family and friend filled Thanksgiving last week… For any of you who don’t know our family, that can be an adventure. We had friends in from Arkansas passing through on their way to Kansas City (we’ll use a fake name to protect the innocent – we’ll call them the Smiths). We had family in from Chicago (again, a fake name - Bart). We had Family in from Ohio (refer to them as the nose picked or NP). We had family in from Havana (Illinois that is… NO, I did not get new cigars – the NP-in-laws). And we had a friend in from Indianapolis (call him Dick).

These types of times can be challenging. I liken them to the movie “While You Were Sleeping.” You know… the one with the scene around the Thanksgiving Day table where there are several conversations, but everyone wants to be a part of all of them. Where, at one time, at that table the line was blurted out… “John Wayne’s not tall.” Well, if you have watched that movie and remember that scene, welcome to the Abla family meal.

No, not just Thanksgiving… That would be every meal. Whether at La Fondita or Monical’s Pizza or Krekels or at home, the Abla’s can carry on 12 conversations with only 6 people present. Some people call it chaos. We prefer multi-tasking. Some people call it weird. We prefer normal. Anyway, you get the point… conversations ranged from Bart talking about using a compressor to blow a big bubble to my 86-year-old grandmother reminding me that she was not dead (yes, this after Dick boosted her into the car by her hind-quarters).

Anyway, not that I have ever had anything worthwhile, today’s words are even more worthless…

More of ‘em later…


At 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all John Wayne was tall (6ft 4in to be exact). Second I had a great time with the family. You are great group of people and I count it a privelege to be included in the group. I also enjoyed Jungle Speed, it was excellent (even if I did have a little trouble with the rules). As far as your grandmother is concerned, it wasn't my hand! Finally, thanks for the kiss, but I'm glad you didn't slip me the tongue.

At 8:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Mr. Smith from Arkansas, I would like to be the first to say how inappropriate it was that you had a Christmas tree up before Thanksgiving. Really! Do you not have any manners?

At 9:21 PM, Blogger Marc said...

First of all, to Dick: you're a suck up!

Second, to Mr. Smith: No... I was wearing white when I put it up, and it is definately after Labor Day!

At 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I am so upset that I somehow missed the compressor idea totally--how could that have possibly happened and Mr. Smith, give me a break, though adopted you are as goofed up as the rest of us. As for Dick-you must remember that grandma isn't dead-as she so vividly reminded us. But seriously, I thank God daily for such a great family and for the blessing of living close enough to "do life together"(LOL).

At 2:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sounds like a great family. I will be the Dad is an exceptional man and the Mother has to be one of the most beautiful women on the earth. As for FlapJack kissing Dick? Now that has to go...I mean gooooo.

Too bad Dad does not know all this. I'll met he would be ...really upset! He must be a John Wayne. A Real MAN.

At 3:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"As for FlapJack kissing Dick?"

SAY WHAT? What kind of family is this? I think I am going to be sick!


At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well... I think a REAL MAN shouldn't be afraid to show his true feelings! If this Dick fellow (if that's his real name) wants to kiss this Flap Jack fellow then I say more power to him!

You go boyfriend!

At 10:25 PM, Blogger Evan and Julia Abla said...

I see that most of you are too embarassed to include your real names. I understand, I rarely want to be associated with the Flapjack or the Flapjack kissing Dicks of the world. Although it would be really funny to me if someone would type "Flapjack kissing Dicks of the world unite!"

besides, John Wayne's not tall.

At 4:10 PM, Blogger Marsha said...

OK--I can't stay away from this one---
1. John Wayne IS, or was tall.
2. Mr. Smith is my nuther brother from another mother-why he CHOOSES to be a part of this family is beside me and speaks volumes about him.
3. Dick used to be such a nice man, until he hooked up with someone in this family
4. Could someone tell me where the emphasis is in the sentence "Flapjack kissing Dicks of the world unite". I am just confused on this point.
5. Being the only example of reason and propriety in this brood, I want to say that though there might be some contradiction, we are a family who loves intensely and lives life completely---and I wouldn’t want it any other way---
This I know for sure.

At 9:43 AM, Blogger Marc said...

ok, ok, ok...

Yes, it is true. We are a blessed (but warped) family. That is why guys like Mr. Smith and Dick continue to choose us.

Seriously... how many of YOUR dads out there would say things like, "Flapjack kissing Dick?"


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